#25DaysOfGiving: 2021 Edition

After last year's pivots in how we shared and planned the #25DaysOfGiving, one of our reflections was how it may have unintentionally excluded some based on the nature of families and diverse structures. This year marks a new element of our month-long celebration of the season of giving: three separate editions including one for families, one for kids, and one for adults looking for a grown-up challenge.

If you're new to #25DaysOfGiving, the premise is simple. Each day, beginning with December 1st, complete a listed challenge of giving. Feel free to document your efforts on social media using the hashtag #25DaysOfGiving, but the emphasis is on making connections and bringing a little spark into someone's day.

The three different editions share similar elements, and so you may notice all three have the same task on the same day. As you explore, you may see challenges that are unique to the edition, such as school-focused tasks for kids or more socially-driven goals for adults. Approach them as you see fit and make it your own; there's no prize, only purpose.

This is our fourth year as a family, and the first where the design has been the brainchild of my wonderfully talented and gifted wife, Melissa. When she heard I'd used Google Slides and Powerpoint to design previous years' iterations, she put on her designer hat, fired up Adobe Illustrator, and went to work, and the result is poster-worthy! For a higher-quality, print-friendly version, feel free to use the PDF versions she created:

